Is Bhramayugam an allegory to Indian politics today?

I watched Bhramayugam and was astounded at the breadth of the movie, the visual storytelling that shadowed the the fantastical one, the way horror was given flesh and mortality, the main character that was the house and its setting in a dark age of 17th century Kerala. I loved every minute of it, the movie took brave steps and executed everything nearly perfectly.

After it was over and when thinking about the characters and the struggles they had, the dialog uses and words seemed out of station with the timeliness of the movie. No it doesn’t affect the ability to enjoy the movie but it felt like a not so subtle nod to the state of Indian Politics today. The way people in power today have diluted the essence of the Indian constitution to mean inclusion but at their terms, invitation to come in but cannot leave, you are showered with food and shelter but you are lost to disillusionment and fallacy, defectors are met with torture and pain. Even when others try to fight the power, they are met with lies and deciet, showings of mistrust and animosity. And when they find the will to fight, they end up fighting amongst themselves, with the evil goblin winning still.

Maybe I am reading too much here. Maybe it was just brilliant movie making. Maybe this is all just bhramayugam, an Era of madness that knows no time.

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